The rPACI package is developed to facilitate the calculation and interpretation of several indices for detecting corneal irregularities, and especially keratoconus. These indices were introduced in Ramos-López et al. (2011), Ramos-López et al. (2013) and Castro-Luna, Martínez-Finkelshtein, and Ramos-López (2020), and proved to be effective in detecting keratoconus and early keratoconus.
rPACI depends on the bnlearn package and uses functions from the ggplot2, tidyr and ggpubr packages as well. To install and load the package and its dependencies, open an R session and write the following code:
The rPACI package contains 11 datasets, real and simulated, with two different formats.
File name | Source | File format | Directory | Corneal condition |
ds1.txt | Real measurement | rPACI | system.file(“extdata”, package=“rPACI”) | Normal |
ds2.txt | Simulated data | rPACI | system.file(“extdata”, package=“rPACI”) | Normal |
K01.txt | Real measurement | CSO | system.file(“extdata”, package=“rPACI”) | Keratoconus |
K02.txt | Real measurement | CSO | system.file(“extdata”, package=“rPACI”) | Keratoconus |
K03.txt | Real measurement | CSO | system.file(“extdata”, package=“rPACI”) | Keratoconus |
N01.txt | Real measurement | CSO | system.file(“extdata”, package=“rPACI”) | Normal |
N02.txt | Real measurement | CSO | system.file(“extdata”, package=“rPACI”) | Normal |
S01.txt | Real measurement | CSO | system.file(“extdata”, package=“rPACI”) | Keratoconus suspect |
simulated_2020_05_31.txt | Simulated data | rPACI | system.file(“extdata/evolution/”, package=“rPACI”) | Normal |
simulated_2020_10_31.txt | Simulated data | rPACI | system.file(“extdata/evolution/”, package=“rPACI”) | Keratoconus suspect |
simulated_2021_04_30.txt | Simulated data | rPACI | system.file(“extdata/evolution/”, package=“rPACI”) | Normal |
The package includes three functions to read data:
, readrPACI()
. The two former ones read data in specific
formats (explained below), while the latter one is a wrapper function
able to read both formats. In general, we recommend using the more
general wrapper function readFile()
to read any file
To begin with, external files with a corneal topography in the format
exported by some Placido disk topographers, especially those from CSO (a
commercial brand), can be loaded using the function
. We recommend reading the Corneal topographers and data
format vignette. This reading function allows to specify different
: The name of the file to be read.ringsTotal
: The total (maximum) number of rings that
may be available in the measurement (including incomplete rings or
missing data; it depends on the particular device; by default 24).pointsPerRings
: The number of points per ring that are
digitized in the measurement (it depends on the particular device; by
default 256).ringsToUse
: The effective number of innermost rings to
use (as long as they are complete if
onlyCompleteRings = TRUE
, otherwise it will be the actual
number of complete rings; by default 15).onlyCompleteRings
: A boolean value indicating whether
to use only rings with complete data or not (by default, TRUE).NAvalues
: A numerical value or vector indicating how NA
values are codified in the file (by default c(-1, -1000)).In the following example, a sample file with the corneal topography
of a normal eye (included in the package as N01.txt
) is
This function produces a data.frame
in the usual format
used by rPACI
, i.e., a data frame with three columns (x and
y coordinates of each point and its ring index) and a row per data
point, according to the function parameters (by default, 24*256 = 6144
rows or data points).
On the other hand, external files with a corneal topography in the
format exported by rPACI can also be loaded using the function
. This function has two arguments: the path to
the file (filepath
) and the character used as column
separator in the file (sep
). In the following example, a
sample file with the rPACI format (included in the package) is
This function returns a data.frame
with the same
characteristics as readCSO()
Finally, the general wrapper function readFile()
can be
used to read any of the aforementioned file formats. Internally, it
determines the format of the specified file and applies either
or readrPACI()
if possible, or else
it throws an error (if none can be applied, which occurs when the file
format does not fit any of these two available formats). This is the
reading function recommended by default, as it is able to read any
supported file format. The readFile()
function takes the
file path as a mandatory argument and, optionally, any of the arguments
available for the other two reading functions. As a result, this
function creates a data.frame
in the usual format used by
, as the other two functions do. In the following
example, a sample file included in the package is loaded using the
wrapper function:
The function writerPACI()
writes to disk a corneal
topography dataset in the format used by rPACI
. The file
will be saved in structured plain text, which will possibly have a
header, followed by a block of three separated columns, according to the
usual format used by rPACI
, i.e., a list with three columns
(x and y coordinates of each point, and its ring index) and a row per
data point.
If the given data.frame
(named dataset
) was
produced using the function simulateData()
, the resulting
text file will also include the Parameters
) in its header, i.e., the list
of parameters used for the simulation.
A file stored with writerPACI()
can later be read using
the general reader function readFile()
or the specific
reader function readrPACI()
The following piece of code shows how to use the
# Simulating an elliptic dataset, with ellipses axis ratio of 0.8 and an orientation of 45 degrees.
dataset = simulateData(rings = 18, pointsPerRing = 300, ellipticAxesRatio = 0.8, ellipticRotation = 45)
# Now the dataset can be saved to file using 'writerPACI' (check the working directory before saving):
writerPACI(dataset, "datasetFile.txt")
See more details about the file structure in the Corneal topographers and data format vignette and about simulation parameters in the Simulating corneal datasets vignette.
When a corneal dataframe is available in the global environment, the
Placido irregularity indices of
this data set can be computed by calling function
, which takes the object returned by
(or readCSO()
) as its only argument:
results_N = computePlacidoIndices(dataset1)
#> Diagnose NBI GLPI PI_1 PI_2 PI_3 SL
#> 1 Normal cornea 2.409939e-07 1.647066e-09 13.21839 20.48343 17.69205 36.48707
#> AR_1 AR_2 AR_3 AR_4 AR_5
#> 1 42.59781 21.72575 24.59397 21.37111 22.65632
The object returned by computePlacidoIndices()
is of
class data.frame
and contains 12 columns and 1 row (because
we are analyzing only one eye). The first column of the returned
is the diagnosis, based on the GLPI index, which
can be either Irregular cornea
(GLPI ≥ 70), Suspect cornea
(30 ≤ GLPI <70) or Normal cornea
(GLPI <30). The next column is the Naive Bayes Index (NBI), which
ranges between 0 and 100 and can be interpreted as the probability of
suffering from keratoconus. The remaining columns correspond to the
primary indices, defined in the Mathematical definition of the indices
The results of the previous analysis can be plotted using function
, which takes 3 arguments:
, a data.frame
containing the corneal
topography data, i.e., the object returned by readFile()
(or readCSO()
or readrPACI()
, a data.frame
containing the
computed Placido indices, i.e., the object returned by
; and, optionally,
, a character vector to be displayed on the plot
(for instance, the filename of the corneal topography dataset).
The left-hand side of the figure shows the input data, whereas the right-hand side shows two charts: the GLPI index plot, which visually indicates the value taken by this index on a colored scale of possible values, and the PI indices distribution, which shows the distribution of the PI1, PI2, PI3 and SL indices in a boxplot placed on a scale of possible values. The colors of the charts indicate whether the indices fall within the normal cornea region (green color), suspicious cornea region (orange color), or irregular cornea region (red color). In the example shown, we can clearly see that the eye is diagnosed as normal.
Alternatively to use the readFile()
and plotSingleCornea()
functions, the wrapper function analyzeFile()
can be used
instead, which takes 2 arguments: path
, which is a
character string indicating the location of the corneal topography file,
and drawplot
, which is a logical argument indicating
whether the results should be plotted or not. This function returns a
containing the same information as the object
returned by computePlacidoIndices()
and, optionally, the
plot returned by plotSingleCornea()
if the argument
#> Diagnose NBI GLPI PI_1 PI_2 PI_3 SL AR_1 AR_2 AR_3
#> 1 Irregular cornea 100 100 150 150 150 141.8956 118.9002 71.86885 82.74312
#> AR_4 AR_5
#> 1 73.32595 76.20055
In this example, the results indicate that the patient’s cornea is irregular. In this case, the plot shows a GLPI index of 100 and a distribution of PI indices ranging from 100 to 130.
The function analyzeFile()
reads a file stored in our
computer. But, what if we already have a corneal data frame loaded in
our global environment? We can use the wrapper function
instead. This function is a wrapper of
, so that it returns the same objects as
. This is a convenient function, for instance,
when we use the simulateData()
function (for more details
on this function, see the Simulating corneal
datasets vignette) or have previously loaded the data using the
takes two arguments:
, which is a corneal topography dataset in the
format supported by rPACI; and drawplot
which is an optional logical parameter indicating whether a plot of
results should be displayed or not (by default, TRUE).
# Generate a sample dataset
dataset = simulateData(rings = 12, maximumMireDisplacement = 0.2, mireDisplacementAngle = 50)
# Analyze the dataset
res_dataset = analyzeDataset(dataset = dataset)
So far, analyzeFile()
and analyzeDataset()
can only be used to analyze one dataset (i.e., one patient’s eye) at a
time. In order to analyze multiple files simultaneously, the function
can be used. This function takes 4
arguments: path
, to indicate the location of the folder
containing the files; fileExtension
, which indicates the
extension of the files, is set to ‘txt’ by default;
, which is an optional logical argument
indicating whether the plot for each file should be displayed or not;
and summaryPlot
, which is an optional logical argument
indicating whether a summary plot of all files analyzed should be
displayed or not. If the argument summaryPlot()
, then a barplot showing the absolute frequency of each
possible value of diagnosis is depicted.
resultsAll = analyzeFolder(path = system.file("extdata", package="rPACI"), individualPlots = T, summaryPlot = T)
#> Warning in computePlacidoIndices(data): Too many rings: using only the 15
#> innermost rings
#> Diagnose NBI GLPI PI_1 PI_2 PI_3
#> 1 Irregular cornea 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 150.000000 150.00000 150.00000
#> 3 Irregular cornea 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 128.208980 101.31179 118.75232
#> 2 Irregular cornea 1.000000e+02 9.966268e+01 94.466174 85.07159 93.06011
#> 6 Suspect cornea 1.012263e-05 3.206200e+01 42.986774 52.80403 67.65683
#> 5 Normal cornea 1.079840e-05 5.498169e-03 8.053099 20.75008 49.72166
#> 4 Normal cornea 2.362192e-07 1.647066e-09 13.218393 20.48343 17.69205
#> 7 Normal cornea 2.295121e-07 1.647066e-09 13.218393 20.48343 17.69205
#> 8 Normal cornea 7.598244e-04 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000
#> SL AR_1 AR_2 AR_3 AR_4 AR_5 Filename
#> 1 141.895574 118.90021 71.86885 82.74312 73.32595 76.20055 K01.txt
#> 3 98.410454 56.83052 56.07982 47.44765 58.58303 51.29579 K03.txt
#> 2 3.721893 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 K02.txt
#> 6 26.079816 39.21140 25.91339 30.93766 27.35318 29.50081 S01.txt
#> 5 34.660291 57.19127 32.79401 37.87577 33.82410 36.36971 N02.txt
#> 4 36.487065 42.59781 21.72575 24.59397 21.37111 22.65632 N01.txt
#> 7 36.487065 42.59781 21.72575 24.59397 21.37111 22.65632 ds1.txt
#> 8 15.262260 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ds2.txt
This function returns a data.frame
containing 13 columns
and as many rows as files analyzed. The first 12 columns correspond to
the diagnosis and the indices, as in the object returned by
. The last column corresponds to the
file name so that a specific patient can be easily found. To see the
diagnosis for each analyzed file, the first and last columns can be
#> Filename Diagnose
#> 1 K01.txt Irregular cornea
#> 3 K03.txt Irregular cornea
#> 2 K02.txt Irregular cornea
#> 6 S01.txt Suspect cornea
#> 5 N02.txt Normal cornea
#> 4 N01.txt Normal cornea
#> 7 ds1.txt Normal cornea
#> 8 ds2.txt Normal cornea
Note that the rows are sorted from Irregular to Normal cornea. In this example, three eyes are diagnosed as irregular, one as suspect, and four as normal. This is an easy and straightforward way to check if any patient potentially suffers from keratoconus.
In order to examine the evolution of a patient’s eye over time, the
function analyzeEvolution()
can be used. This function
takes two arguments: data
, which can be either 1) the path
of a folder that contains corneal topography files, with format
supported by rPACI, or 2) a list containing properly
formatted data (loaded from a file using the function
(or readCSO()
), simulated using simulateData()
or by other ways, as long as it meets the dataset requirements). If
is a path to a folder, the second argument,
, must be specified and all the files (with
the given extension) in that folder will be assumed to be corneal
topography files of a patient’s eye and, therefore, will be loaded.
Moreover, it will be assumed that the temporal arrangement is the alphabetical order of the filenames. Therefore, it is advised to use a proper file name, for instance using this date format: ‘YYYY-MM-DD.txt’. On the other hand, if the data are stored in a list, it will be assumed that the temporal order corresponds with the index of each dataset in the list.
The next example simulates three patient’s measurements over time
using the function simulateData()
and then analyzes these
# Simulate the patient's measures over time
dataT1 = simulateData(rings = 12, maximumMireDisplacement = 0.15, mireDisplacementAngle = 10)
dataT2 = simulateData(rings = 12, maximumMireDisplacement = 0.15, mireDisplacementAngle = 45)
dataT3 = simulateData(rings = 12, maximumMireDisplacement = 0.2, mireDisplacementAngle = 50)
# Create a list containing the data
data = list(
dataT1 = dataT1,
dataT2 = dataT2,
dataT3 = dataT3
# Analyze the data over time
analyzeEvolution(data = data)
This other example imports the corneal data from disk and analyzes the files:
# Specify a folder path to analyze a patient's evolution over time
analyzeEvolution(data = system.file("extdata/evolution/", package="rPACI"), fileExtension = 'txt')
#> Diagnose NBI GLPI PI_1 PI_2 PI_3 SL AR_1 AR_2
#> 1 Normal cornea 100 29.21194 125.7446 99.99175 0 8.816349 0 0
#> 2 Suspect cornea 100 44.11881 125.7446 99.99174 0 50.000000 0 0
#> 3 Irregular cornea 100 97.68146 150.0000 138.14797 0 59.587680 0 0
#> AR_3 AR_4 AR_5 Time
#> 1 0 0 0 1
#> 2 0 0 0 2
#> 3 0 0 0 3
The analyzeEvolution()
function returns a
containing 13 columns and as many rows as files
analyzed. The first 12 columns correspond to the diagnosis and the
indices, as in the object returned by
. The last column corresponds to the
time step at which the measures were taken. Moreover, two temporal plots
are returned. The left-hand side plot shows the GLPI
index, represented by a red line, and the boxplots of the primary
indices PI1, PI2, PI3, and SL over time. The
right-hand side plot shows the times series of these five indices, GLPI,
PI1, PI2, PI3, and SL, individually. Finally,
both plots present a colored background, corresponding with the final
diagnosis of the patient.
In this example, the results indicate that the patient’s cornea was normal at time 1, suspected at time 2, and irregular at time 3.
To summarize, the following description chart can help decide which function to use depending on the specific case to analyze.